Foster is 6!

Foster is 6!


Today I’m sharing all about Foster.



Foster turned 6 on Sunday and, wow, my little boy is not so little anymore.  Wasn’t he 6 months old just a few days ago?  Sigh …




We celebrated Foster’s birthday last week with a Glow in the Dark Party at Urban Air Trampoline and later this week I’ll be devoting an entire post to that amazing venue and how I went all out with the glow theme.  🙂



But, I wanted to go ahead and just spend a little time this morning talking about my brilliant, social, empathetic, fearless, silly boy.



Yes, this boy is silly.  For better or worse, Foster loves making his friends laugh.  It can be a little unnerving when he’s climbing on the top of a jungle gym to do a crazy jump off and get that laugh out of everyone, but you can’t help but smile at his efforts.



Speaking of friends, this kid makes friends EVERYWHERE we go.



I went up to his school for his birthday the other day, and so many boys and girls yelled out to him, waving and smiling.  When we were in Hawaii, we would no joke walk around the resort and hear multiple people of all ages (young kids, teenagers, adults) yell out “Hey Foster!”



For example, in the above photo Foster is in the hot tub with teenage girls and a couple of newlyweds, entertaining them all.  Several times we would run over to apologize while trying to distract Foster away from these strangers, and they would practically beg us to let him stay and continue talking with him.  My husband and I aren’t anti-social by any means, but neither one of us are the type to make friends with strangers in the snap of our fingers.  Foster is definitely that type.  I love that so much about him.


Speaking of making friends, he has certainly stolen the heart of one girl in particular.



As an only child, I often romanticized the idea of having a brother or sister.  The thought that you could play with someone ALL THE TIME just seemed too good to be true.  As I grew up, I realized that most sibling relationships aren’t that ideal.  Many of my friends didn’t get along with their siblings when they were young.  Some actually couldn’t stand their siblings.  So, I have been over the moon about how wonderfully these two kiddos get along.



Can you tell how much Parker looks up to him?  She wants to do everything he does … regardless of how silly it is.  It melts my heart!



One of the favorite things I hear about Foster from other parents is that he quickly recognizes when someone is sad or hurt and tries to help them.  A teammate was kicked in the face by a soccer ball a couple weeks ago at soccer practice.  Foster immediately ran up to him, rubbed on his back, and asked if he was okay.  Can you picture my proud momma face then?  🙂   We joke that he’s our little Empath.



Did I mention that this admittedly highly-biased mom thinks her son is super smart?  LOL.



The part of his brain that processes numbers is unworldly.  He will multiply and divide large numbers without even realizing he is doing it.  He just loves numbers!  The other day I was asking his friend who was over for a play date about his favorite parts of kindergarten.  Of course, he was going down the typical list:  recess, PE, lunch, and so on.  Then Foster chimed in:  “And math tools too!  That’s fun!”  His friend replied, “No, not math tools.”  LOL.  Although we’ve always known he’s a numbers guy, I’ve been extremely proud with how he’s expanding his brain in kindergarten.  In just over a month, I’ve been amazed with how much he’s improved in his reading and even art.  You couldn’t get him to spend more than a few minutes working on an art project until this year.

And, finally, I’ll end with bragging about his determination.



Tell him he can’t do something, and he’ll prove you wrong.  I think we should start telling him he can’t get a full-ride scholarship …

Starting at the age of three, I try to interview the kids every birthday.  Here’s Foster’s responses this year.  Can you tell he has Pokemon on the brain?


My interview with 6-Year-Old Foster


 How old are you?  “Six.”


What makes you happy? “Presents and Pokemon.”


What is your favorite toy?  “Pokemon.  My second favorite toy: Dragons.  Third: Dinosaurs. ”


What is your favorite stuffed animal?  “Pokemon … there’s one at the store.”  (Sigh … we have a bit of an obsession going on.)


What is your favorite real animal? “Dinosaur … it’s real.  It was real a long time ago but they all died.  So, it still counts.”


What is your favorite color? “Gold, silver, and clear.”


What is your favorite fruit?  “Peaches and pears.”


What is your favorite thing to eat?  “Treats … candy or sugar.”


What is your favorite drink? “Milk.”


What is your favorite dessert or treat? “One time on a show there was a ginormous chocolate that was made of two houses stacked on top of each other.”  Okay, well what’s the favorite treat you eat?  The rings that go on your wrist and you bite them.


What is your favorite thing to do? “Playing games, playing on anything, playing on the iPad, playing on my TV, playing on the computer …”


What is your favorite TV show? “Pokemon.”


What are you really good at?“Playing games like laser tag.”


What is your favorite song? Sung in tune … “Foster is six. He  loves lots of stuff …  I made that one up.”


Who is the coolest person on Earth? “Reed, Tyler, and you.”


What do you and mommy do together? “Play games.


What do you and daddy do together? “The same thing.  Play games, like remember last night he played laser tag with me.”


What do you and Parker do together? “Nothing.  Really, her doesn’t play with me anymore.  She just plays with Finley … ”  Jealous, much?  LOL.


If you could go anywhere, where would it be? “To my birthday party or to the store to buy something … or home.”


Who is your best friend? “Tyler … I mean, you.”  Suck-up 🙂


What is your favorite thing to do outside? “Sneak up on the boys [our neighbors].  I mean … playing laser tag. ”


What is your favorite book? “The one we read last night … The Ultimate Pokemon book.”


What do you want to be when you grow up? “A scientist … oh no no, I don’t know yet.  A guy that finds dinos … a science guy or a guy that works in a store.  Actually no, because then I’d have to sit in the store every day because people would be like ‘Hey, can you get me something?’ every single day.”


What makes you sad? “When someone does something mean to me or if I lose something that I really like.”


